Did you know influencer marketing can generate up to 11x the ROI of traditional advertising? In fact, the ROI of influencer marketing campaigns can range from providing an average of $5.20 to as much as $18 in earned media value for every dollar spent. FSC specializes in micro-influencer campaigns, allowing your product to be positioned within super specific, niche industry conversations. Check out a few of our recent influencer marketing case studies and learn how we drove new fans and social media engagement for products like Pralines & Cream Liqueur and tourism campaigns for our hometown of New Orleans.

How We Choose Influencers To Partner With

In order for influencer marketing to be effective, the brand ambassadors and influencers that a company works with need to be carefully chosen and well-aligned with the brand and their products. The sponsored content shared by the influencers also needs to be strategically planned out and executed to ensure that it excites the influencer’s audience and drives them to engage directly with the brand.

Micro-influencers tend to have smaller, yet highly engaged accounts. As a result, we specialize in developing multi-layered campaigns, pooling perspective from multiple micro-influencers to achieve client goals. That was the case when we created an influencer marketing campaign for Pralines & Cream Liqueur.

Liquor Brand Influencer Marketing Campaign

We worked with Evangeline’s Pralines & Cream Liqueur to market the launch of their new product. Knowing that they needed to create awareness of the brand, especially within the Southern Louisiana markets, we designed an influencer marketing campaign that would increase the brand’s Instagram following and spread the word about the liqueur.

We wanted to align the brand with women between the ages of 25-45, so we looked for lifestyle bloggers and content creators who featured a bright and colorful aesthetic on Instagram and used engaging caption copy. We chose one macro-influencer, Jenn of @hauteofftherack, who has a powerful Instagram following of more than a quarter million, and four micro-influencers: @themichellewest, @jordanhefler, @gracefullytaylored, and @southernflairblog. Each of the influencers are based in the greater New Orleans or Baton Rouge area, and they all have a strong connection with their audiences.

Influencer Marketing Case Studies: Instagram influencer Jenn of @hauteofftherack promoting Evangeline's Pralines & Cream

The influencers chosen for the Pralines & Cream Liqueur influencer campaign received payment for their services and in return each influencer was asked to create Instagram posts and Instagram stories promoting the product. Our campaign generated brand awareness (including more than 1.3 MILLION impressions!) in the Louisiana marketplace and gained hundreds of new Instagram followers for Pralines & Cream Liqueur.

In addition to the agreed-upon Instagram posts, some of the influencers went above and beyond, showing that they truly believed in the product. Jenn of @hauteofftherack wrote two blog posts on her website and posted additional photos of Pralines & Cream Liqueur on her Instagram feed. She also threw an “influencer party” and asked Pralines & Cream Liqueur to provide bottles of liqueur for 14 different influencers. This was great extra exposure for Pralines & Cream Liqueur because it was introduced the product to other influencers and some of them shared it in their Instagram stories. This provided even more exposure and brand awareness for Pralines & Cream Liqueur to more audiences.

Influencer Marketing Case Studies: Instagram influencer @themichellewest promoting Evangeline's Pralines & Cream

For @themichellewest’s giveaway with Blink Boutiques, Blink included Pralines & Cream Liqueur in their Instagram post promoting the giveaway. This giveaway was published to Blink Boutique’s 48.5K Instagram followers, providing excellent additional exposure to the brand.

This influencer marketing campaign succeeded in high impressions, engagement, and Instagram story views with their followers increasing brand awareness of Pralines & Cream Liqueur in the Louisiana market. @pralinescreamliqueur gained more than 700 Instagram followers through influencers tagging the brand in photos and stories, as well as contest giveaways, which had the strongest effort in gaining Instagram followers. We expect that the success of this campaign will continue over time as the Influencer’s content can be repurposed and shared as evergreen content on Pralines & Cream Liqueur’s Instagram, thus strengthening the partnership with each Influencer.

New Orleans Tourism Influencer Marketing Campaign

We’ve had huge success over the years working on social media campaigns for New Orleans tourism. New Orleans & Company’s annual summer campaign, “Be a Tourist in Your Own Hometown (BAT),” is designed to encourage New Orleanians and drive market residents to support New Orleans businesses during the slow summer months (mid-July through September).

Based on the success of a previous Be A Tourist campaign, where we worked with 1 local influencer in 2017, last summer FSC Interactive utilized 3 local influencers (@wil_lutz5, @olsenventures, and @babesandbeignets) and an eight-week Instagram contest to promote the 2018 BAT campaign. This influencer marketing campaign encouraged sharing and hashtag usage, in efforts to hone in on word of mouth customer driven social actions.

By utilizing 3 local influencers compared to 1 the previous year, reach and awareness was amplified. The influencers shared their BAT experience with their followers, allowing us to reach an additional 80K individuals. Paired with consistent organic social support, the summer tourism campaign remained top of mind.

New Orleans Tourism Influencer Marketing Campaign, Summer 2018: @olsenventures

New Orleans Tourism Influencer Marketing Campaign, Summer 2018: @wil_lutz5

Each influencer received monetary compensation, plus an overnight hotel stay, 3 meals and 2 activities in exchange for 1 multi-image post to be shared on their handle, 3 photos and caption copy to be shared on VisitNewOrleans’ social channel, and 5-7 Instagram story slides to be shared on their handle and @VisitNewOrleans. The 2018 campaign reached half a million people, more than triple the reach of the previous year’s campaign.

How Can Influencer Marketing Grow Your Business?

Influencer campaigns are designed to complement and amplify on-going social strategies. We work to create long lasting relationships with brand ambassadors in effort to foster brand loyalty and continued visibility for on-looking consumers. Contact us to learn more about how partnering with social media influencers can grow your bottom line.