The Problem with Digital Marketing

The Problem with Digital Marketing

As a business owner, even with our own digital marketing, we often wonder: Is it working? Is it worth the investment? How do I know? If you are spending money on digital marketing, your agency or marketing professionals will discuss impressions (eyeballs on your ads),...
GA4 Thresholding Solutions for Smaller Websites

GA4 Thresholding Solutions for Smaller Websites

With the implementation of GA4 come new challenges in gathering accurate insights and driving informed decision-making. Data accuracy and completeness are crucial for pulling valuable insights out of data; unfortunately, for low-traffic websites, GA4 has introduced...
Is Google’s Performance Max Right for Your Business?

Is Google’s Performance Max Right for Your Business?

What is Performance Max? Performance Max is a relatively new ad format that allows users to create ads that use machine learning to automatically optimize for performance across Google’s advertising channels including search, display, YouTube, and more. Some of the...