GA4 Auto-Migrated Audiences: How To Check and Rebuild

GA4 Auto-Migrated Audiences: How To Check and Rebuild

Auto-Migrated GA4 Audiences? You Might Want To Check on Those… July marks the official launch of GA4 and the sunset of Universal Analytics. In an effort to ease the transition for marketers and website owners, Google has offered various auto-migration tools. However,...

Google Analytics for Hotel Website & Marketing Performance

There are many ways that a hotelier can measure the performance of their website and marketing efforts, but very few are as effective as Google Analytics… and it’s free. With a little bit of developer time and possibly an email or two to the company that handles your...

FSC’s Campaign Successes | December 2014

10,9,8,7…FSC’s Campaign Successes December 2014! While you were counting down to the New Year, we were counting up our client’s December successes! We take it as a good sign for 2015 and look forward to what this year brings.    ...

FSC’s Campaign Successes | November 2014

With gratitude we share FSC’s Campaign Successes for November 2014. From new website launches to outstanding organic engagement and a party to celebrate FSC’s five-year anniversary, November was all about working hard and playing hard! Want to see more FSC...