Word of mouth has always been one of consumers’ most trusted resources in making purchasing decisions. Many consumers generally mistrust mainstream advertising and are much more likely to buy, try and explore a new product or brand based on a recommendation of someone they trust. Couple this concept with the realization that with social media, blogs and dedicated review sites, word of mouth marketing is now on steroids. Brands are forced to add reputation management to their list of online marketing musts. Thanks to social media and sites like TripAdvisor and Yelp, your customers have the power to take a bad experience and not just tell their friends, but shout it from the mountaintops across the country and the world.
So, you’re on board with the concept, but now where do you start? It can be daunting to listen to the conversations inspired by your brand or service, but it will be the best branding decision you’ve ever made. Get started with these five steps in a quick and easy guide to online brand reputation management:
1. Outline A Reputation Management Strategy
Don’t just dive in head first, instructing your team to get online and start responding to various mentions. You need to outline exactly what platforms you’ll be monitoring, which team member is responsible for each and a protocol for monitoring and responding. If more than one person will be providing responses to both positive and negative customer mentions, it is helpful to have a handful of sample canned responses for issues that often arise with your brand. That way each person is aware of the brand’s approved stance on these main issues and can respond accordingly. It helps provide a unified voice across all platforms that complements your brand’s current voice.
2. Monitor Online Conversations
It’s not a matter of if people are talking about you, it’s a matter of what they’re saying and who they’re saying it to. There are many free online tools such as SocialMention, Twitter Search and Google Alerts to help you locate relevant online conversations outside of dedicated review sites. Create a timeline and schedule of how and when you will monitor (should be daily), and how you will disseminate that information to your team.
3. Don’t Just Hear Your Customers, Listen To Them
Your customers are the ones who know your brand best. They have experienced your pitfalls and can help tailor your customer service to fit what people are looking for. Often times, your customers are upset about an issue your brand generates well before you’re even aware it exists. It’s not enough to just monitor what people are saying, you need to really listen to what they are saying. It’s time to get thick skin and get ready for some introspective insight. You might not like what you hear at first, but consider it an opportunity to solve your customers’ biggest problems and improve their experience.
4. React Quickly and Professionally
Two of the biggest factors in customer service are timing and professionalism. If a customer is sharing negative complaints about your brand online, it is important that you address them quickly. Nip the issue in the bud and if possible, take the conversation offline for further resolution. When you make public responses to reviews or comments, it is absolutely imperative that you keep your responses polite, professional and respectful. There’s no quicker path to Reddit immortalization than lashing out at your customers online. Sometimes just knowing that a brand is listening and publicly responding that they hear what you’re saying and are making changes to fix an issue can turn a negative review into a positive one for potential customers.
5. Analyze and Change
Go beyond just listening and analyze the comments, complaints and feedback to spot trends you can actually change. Here’s where you can convert online reputation management into ROI for your business. If you’re getting negative feedback from customers, listen to them. Change what they’re having problems with and use it as a motivational tool for how to elevate your brand. If people have stopped coming to your restaurant because there’s nowhere to park, consider a valet service. If your customers complain that your hotel’s service isn’t what it should be, make it an internal focus to improve service so you wow customers and encourage a repeat visit. Using online reviews to fix problems will ultimately lead to a better customer experience, increased positive reviews and a better online reputation for your brand. A winning situation for all parties involved!
Online brand reputation management is no longer optional. Right now, people are talking about your brand, and unless you’re listening, responding and analyzing these mentions, you’ll lose control of your online reputation.