There is no denying the power of social media, but not all social media is powerful. There are many facets to consider to achieve the desired results. Let’s take a look at event promotion specifically, where attendance is key. How do you make sure your event is a smashing success? Follow these guidelines:


You can’t expect people to attend your event if they don’t know about it. Using a Facebook event is a simple and effective method for getting the word out. As with all content published to your page, not all of your fans will see it – you still have to battle the almighty algorithm. However, this creates a separate social presence totally dedicated to your event which can serve as the perfect awareness platform.

Event Updates

Facebook events are very useful mechanisms to house event details and share updates along the way. Unlike a paper invitation, you can add details to the Facebook event all the way up until the event occurs. Updating the event as catering selections are made, music performances are finalized, surprise guests are announced, etc., all keep you in regular contact with your audience. Each time an update is posted to the event, the attendees are notified, serving as the perfect reminders. This is a great communication tool, but don’t abuse it or you may see your yes’s turn into no’s.

Cross Promotion

While the heart of your event promotion can be housed on Facebook, it is imperative to utilize all of your social channels to advertise your event. The key here is to drive people back to the Facebook event for additional information. Each social platform caters to a slightly different audience, and when hosting an event, you want to be sure to reach as many folks as possible. After all, people can only consider your event a success if they are there to see it for themselves.

Fan Promotion

Activating a Facebook event in conjunction with cross promotion on all social channels gives your fans and followers the opportunity to do some of the heavy lifting for you. Each person who shares the event extends your invitation to their social media followers, which ultimately enhances your reach significantly. This is why curating a healthy social presence is paramount. Create a meaningful social experience for your followers and they will pay you back in leaps and bounds of support.

Media Coverage/PR

Not only will your fans be kept up to date on your event, but so will other businesses, media outlets, and other potential influencers. There is no denying the importance of outreach to get additional publicity for your event; however, often times Facebook events are shared or covered by content creators, news outlets and relevant media sources. There is no such thing as bad publicity – isn’t that what “they” say?

Final Rally

Reminders. Where would we be without reminders? Late, or even worse, absent. Thankfully, Facebook sends event reminders to those who have accepted your invitation. To further drive the message home, post one final reminder to the event page, but make it meaningful. Save a huge announcement or offer a special discount code. Everyone loves a little incentive.

Need help executing the best social media for your event? From pre-planning to live event coverage, FSC can help.
Contact us today!