It always happens at the perfect moment. It’s usually around that time of the day when I am very aware of how many minutes there are until it’s socially acceptable to get up and go eat lunch. It happens when I am feeling down about something personal. Or it happens when I am being congratulated for doing something successfully. The “it” I am referring to is the moment when one of my wonderful fellow FSC employees sends me a meme (example below):  JIm carrey meme

What is an Internet Meme?

Wikipedia defines internet memes as “an idea, style or action which spreads, often as mimicry, from person to person via the Internet, as with imitating the concept.”  Internet memes are often still images with block text across the top and bottom, but the genre can also include video content that follows a common theme. A meme can be considered a mimicked theme, including simple phrases or gestures that often reference pop culture icons, fads and sensations, and internet cultures or subcultures. An Internet meme may take the form of an image, video, picture, website, or hashtag. It may be just a word or phrase, often including an intentional misspelling. Memes tend to spread in a viral pattern from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, or news sources. The word “meme” was created by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book, The Selfish Gene, as an attempt to explain how cultural information spreads, with internet memes being a subset of the general “meme” cultural concept.

Meme Marketing

Internet memes are a fantastic way to sum up those indescribable moments throughout life. Memes come in all types of shapes, sizes, and forms, and are a great way to help the world understand different cultural phenomena. Using memes across social media channels can help brands increase their engagement and reach in a post. Meme use also gives your target audience something to laugh about! Why else should brands start using memes? They are funny, clever, easy, and simple, which are four great reasons as to why brands should take full advantage of them. You are probably sitting at your computer thinking “Wait! Aren’t ads supposed to be all of those things, anyway?” Other brands have already started doing this, so when creating your first marketing meme, make sure it is interesting and relatable. In an article in Vision Advertising, Laura Briere states “marketing with memes is a successful endeavor when the thought ‘catches on’ and continues to spread.” So the pressure is on. Make it a good one!

Our Favorite Memes of 2014

In 2014, the Internet had some ground-breaking moments. Between Ellen DeGeneres’ viral selfie and Kim Kardashian’s attempt to “Break the Internet,” it was an all-around big year for meme creators. In preparation of 2015 and the stressful planning that comes along with it, here is an inside look at some of FSC’s picks for the best memes of 2014 for a chance for you to smile today. (Also take a look into our favorite memes from 2013) kim hotmugshot Cthulhu-followers valentines-day-2014-funny-memes grumpycat goosebumps pope odell-beckham-meme